Monday, April 11, 2011

Anyone Can Find That Special Someone

                I came across a website by accident while searching activities for the disabled, and I found it interesting and decided to blog about it. It was titled Disabled Dating and it was found on a helpful website called Disabled World. It talks about several different dating sites created specifically for people who have a disability.  Some are for people with a wide range of disabilities, while others are for certain disabilities. For example, there are sites for people with visual disabilities to meet other single people who have a visual disability.
                Although I am sometimes skeptical about dating sites, I think it is a good idea for there to be dating sites for everybody, including for populations such as this. I have seen and heard from several different sources that people who have disabilities can often become discouraged with dating. I watched a video about a man who was in a car accident and injured his spine, causing his to be in a wheel chair the rest of his life. He had a girlfriend before the accident but after the accident they broke up. He did not believe he would ever date again or meet someone and he became depressed. Other people with disabilities may be self conscious of their disability and never even try to meet someone. Dating sites for the disabled help with these fears and insecurities and help someone meet other people with disabilities that match their likes and interests. These sites have compatibility match-making, profiles, instant messaging, chat rooms, and other features to help you meet the right person.
                There are of course safety precautions one should take while using a dating websites like this just as there are for any other dating websites. Do not put too much personal information out on the website such as an address, credit card number, or even phone number. Once you have gotten to know someone, you can decide whether or not you want to disclose more personal information. There are sadly dating website scammers who look for information and can either steal from or abuse website users. Some people especially target people with disabilities in hopes of taking advantage of them and their disability. Only use reputable sites and look for warning signs of scammers. Also, if someone were to decide to meet a match in person, meet in a public area and remain cautions of your surroundings. It does not hurt to meet with a group of people as well. In the end, if you remain cautions and use dating websites such as Dating for the Disabled correctly, they can be rewarding and help someone who was feeling discouraged with dating find the right person for them!
I came across a website by accident while searching activities for the disabled, and I found it interesting and decided to blog about it. It was titled Disabled Dating and it was found on a helpful website called Disabled World. It talks about several different dating sites created specifically for people who have a disability.  Some are for people with a wide range of disabilities, while others are for certain disabilities. For example, there are sites for people with visual disabilities to meet other single people who have a visual disability.
                Although I am sometimes skeptical about dating sites, I think it is a good idea for there to be dating sites for everybody, including for populations such as this. I have seen and heard from several different sources that people who have disabilities can often become discouraged with dating. I watched a video about a man who was in a car accident and injured his spine, causing his to be in a wheel chair the rest of his life. He had a girlfriend before the accident but after the accident they broke up. He did not believe he would ever date again or meet someone and he became depressed. Other people with disabilities may be self conscious of their disability and never even try to meet someone. Dating sites for the disabled help with these fears and insecurities and help someone meet other people with disabilities that match their likes and interests. These sites have compatibility match-making, profiles, instant messaging, chat rooms, and other features to help you meet the right person.
                There are of course safety precautions one should take while using a dating websites like this just as there are for any other dating websites. Do not put too much personal information out on the website such as an address, credit card number, or even phone number. Once you have gotten to know someone, you can decide whether or not you want to disclose more personal information. There are sadly dating website scammers who look for information and can either steal from or abuse website users. Some people especially target people with disabilities in hopes of taking advantage of them and their disability. Only use reputable sites and look for warning signs of scammers. Also, if someone were to decide to meet a match in person, meet in a public area and remain cautions of your surroundings. It does not hurt to meet with a group of people as well. In the end, if you remain cautions and use dating websites such as Dating for the Disabled correctly, they can be rewarding and help someone who was feeling discouraged with dating find the right person for them!

I came across a website by accident while searching activities for the disabled, and I found it interesting and decided to blog about it. It was titled Disabled Dating and it was found on a helpful website called Disabled World. It talks about several different dating sites created specifically for people who have a disability.  Some are for people with a wide range of disabilities, while others are for certain disabilities. For example, there are sites for people with visual disabilities to meet other single people who have a visual disability.
                Although I am sometimes skeptical about dating sites, I think it is a good idea for there to be dating sites for everybody, including for populations such as this. I have seen and heard from several different sources that people who have disabilities can often become discouraged with dating. I watched a video about a man who was in a car accident and injured his spine, causing his to be in a wheel chair the rest of his life. He had a girlfriend before the accident but after the accident they broke up. He did not believe he would ever date again or meet someone and he became depressed. Other people with disabilities may be self conscious of their disability and never even try to meet someone. Dating sites for the disabled help with these fears and insecurities and help someone meet other people with disabilities that match their likes and interests. These sites have compatibility match-making, profiles, instant messaging, chat rooms, and other features to help you meet the right person.
                There are of course safety precautions one should take while using a dating websites like this just as there are for any other dating websites. Do not put too much personal information out on the website such as an address, credit card number, or even phone number. Once you have gotten to know someone, you can decide whether or not you want to disclose more personal information. There are sadly dating website scammers who look for information and can either steal from or abuse website users. Some people especially target people with disabilities in hopes of taking advantage of them and their disability. Only use reputable sites and look for warning signs of scammers. Also, if someone were to decide to meet a match in person, meet in a public area and remain cautions of your surroundings. It does not hurt to meet with a group of people as well. In the end, if you remain cautions and use dating websites such as Dating for the Disabled correctly, they can be rewarding and help someone who was feeling discouraged with dating find the right person for them!

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