Monday, April 4, 2011

Bungee Jumping for the Disabled

                 An activity that is thrilling and stimulating is bungee jumping. Today, this scary thrill can be available for people with or without a disability. People have many ideas that come to mind when they think about this activity, but some people don’t know the true possibilities with this activity such as the options to go solo, tandem, jump from a harness attached to your chest and waist, or jump from the traditional harness on your ankles and waist. People in wheelchairs and with a disability can also jump and enjoy the sport and contrary to belief, it is actually quite soft on your body!
Tim and Andre bungy jump on the Bungy Bullet                For people in a wheel chair or who have had back or spine injury, jumping with a harness attached to your chest or ankles may not be the best. There is, however, a contraption for what they call reverse bungee jumping. It is a large metal ball like structure with seats in the middle that fastens the passengers in with ankle and waist belts and a padded shoulder clamp. There are then two towers with bungees attached to the contraption which slings the ball up into the air and back down several times until gravity slows it down.
                Bungee jumping is still a higher risk activity and definitely requires proper safety equipment and supervision. The website said people who have paraplegia or quadriplegia may want even extra support such as extra belts or Velcro for their neck, legs or torso. Although this activity is on the higher risk end of things, especially for people with physical disabilities, it is still amazing and encouraging that people with disabilities are still given the opportunity to do this high action activity!

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