Monday, April 18, 2011

OA Project

           About a year ago, I heard about an organization called the OA Project that interested and inspired me. OA stands for opportunitas aequa, a Latin phrase meaning equal opportunity. The OA Project works with children in war affected areas and uses soccer to help build a stronger community for them and increase their opportunities by learning about and taking part in community building activities. This organization was created by a group of Canadian students who wanted to use soccer to help children in other countries who did not have much of a childhood due to war and poverty. By playing soccer, they hoped that children would get a break from the pain and horror of war and learn valuable lessons such as team work and self esteem along with feelings of accomplishment.
         OA Project searches for and helps support other local groups and peace building projects that are working to help rebuild the community. They do this in hopes of continuing the help, even when they are not in the community and working with the children. Their mission is, “To be the low-cost, high-impact grassroots organization using soccer to empower youth in communities affected by war.” They have done three projects so far in Uganda, Ecuador and Rwanda and have helped 7,000 children and youth in over 25 communities. They are still continuing their work and continue to connect youth with local leaders. By learning and playing soccer, they discuss important issues such as post-conflict healing and gender violence.
       You can help make a difference in several ways through this great organization. There is a project called Play Soccer so They Can where communities can host a soccer event and raise funds for the OA Project. You can also donate on their website or buy a shirt from their 1 for 1 shop and all proceeds go towards the organization!   This is a great organization and even though they are not specifically therapeutic recreation, their goals and work is similar to that of therapeutic recreation specialists. They aim to use sports and recreation to make a difference in youth’s lives and help ease the stress that war causes in a community by teaching valuable lessons and creating an escape from the sadness and pain. I believe this is a great organization for a TRS to participate in to help make a difference. 
OA Project in Ecuador  check out their website to learn more or donate!

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